Inviting by nature, the twisted weave of this faux banana leaf wicker sofa evokes a coastal calm worthy of all day (or all night) lounging. The Capra sofa features a sturdy aluminum base and is generously topped with multiple weather-resistant pillows and a cushion fit for private island-style relaxation.
Inviting by nature, the twisted weave of this faux banana leaf wicker sofa evokes a coastal calm worthy of all day (or all night) lounging. The Capra sofa features a sturdy aluminum base and is generously topped with multiple weather-resistant pillows and a cushion fit for private island-style relaxation.
Amazing piece! The cushions are thick and easy to clean- water repeals off of it . Everyone who sits on it loves it. Best part was the super fast delivery. Been... More
Amanda N.
2 years ago - Jacksonville, FL
You can definitely see and feel the quality in the frame's construction. Equally impressed with the cushions, especially the one you sit on. It's so firm that i... More
Nicole W.
2 years ago - Williamstown, ON
I’ve had this sofa for 2 years now and have really enjoyed up until now. I was actually contemplating purchasing the matching chairs when I noticed significant... More
Dashirl H.
7 months ago - Charlotte, NC
Response From Article
Hi Dashirl, we’re sorry to hear your Capra Sofa is not living up to your expectations. We offer a warranty that is valid for 1-year from your date of delivery. ... More